Listening Through the Landscape at NTU CCA, Singapore


Wherever you are, whenever you’re free, lets go for a walk. Andrew S. Yang and I are excited to share “Listening through the Landscape,” a series of short, guided audio walks that explore the nature of time and the ecology of Singapore through trees, soil, and water. Combining narration by Alexis Chen with environmental sounds we collected during the 2020 Covid-19 “Circuit Breaker” period in Singapore, these tours transform everyday spaces into multisensory journeys.

Listening Through the Landscape began while we were inaugural Artists-in-Residence at Yale-NUS College and was created for the NTU Centre for Contemporary Art’s multimedia event Free Jazz III. Sound. Walks. with support from Yale-NUS Dean of Faculty.

These works are meant to be listened to outdoors, with headphones. Just head outside, cue up a walk from the list on your smartphone, and press “Play." Those who prefer reading to sound can download a PDF of the scripts for these walks here.

And: if you’re in the mood for more listening and want to hear more about this work and our residency in general, check out this interview that curator Michelle Lim did with us for the Archepelagic AIR podcast or check out this short video about our work in progress here.

Extended Practice at the Hyde Park Art Center: Chicago

Motherhood has radically transformed my creative practice and community, so I’m pleased to share a glimpse of that process as a part of the exhibition Extended Self: Transformations and Connections, at the Hyde Park Art Center through January 19th, 2020. Curated by Angela Lopez and Sara Holwerda of Extended Practice, the exhibition explores how motherhood has shaped the work of contemporary artists, including Selina Trepp, Kaitlynn Redell, Wisdom Baty, Jessica Mueller, and Irene Perez, among many others. In the reading room, you’ll find my Creative Kinship Diagram, charting linkages between people, projects, and collectives focused on art, caregiving, and activism - from the speculative to the pragmatic - alongside two of the publication projects I produced through my work with the creative platform Cultural ReProducers: the collaborative zine “Propositions, Manifestos and Experiments,” published by Half Letter Press, and my “Art Fair Adventure Book,” which came out just last month.

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Without Power, No Cookies: Chicago

I'm super pleased to be a part of Ohne Kraft, keine Kekse, or Without Power, No Cookies, alongside the fabulous Vesna Jovanovic, Howard Fonda, and Matthew Girson - opens tomorrow night at Slow. Bonus: their special home-brewed beer, created to fit the show's theme (and I hear there will also be some actual cookies). If you're in Chicago, come join us! Slow is located at 2153 W. 21st Street in Chicago, and the show's on view from May 20 - June 17, 2017 by appointment. For more information:
